
Department of philosophy, history and theory of culture

Chair of the Department,

Candidate of Science,



Significance of the department in educational, scientific and methodological work of the institute is caused by the wide range of the disciplines taught by the professors of the department. It’s also closely connected with specificity of a theatre school and with necessity to work in collaboration with the other departments of the institute. The ultimate result that we all are achieving is to create the solid basis of theoretical knowledge with really worthy graduates of the Vakhtangov school.

The department unites teaching staff in the sphere of philosophy, history, culture, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, Russian and foreign languages. Together with Art History Department we are developing the program of postgraduate studies “Theory and History of Art”.

Main priority of the scientific work at the Department is oriented around modern social reality, it’s connected with the specificity of developments of different cultures both in Russia and beyond. The Department studies the process of formation and development of Russian philosophy and history in context of the global evolutional process.

Students learn the English and French languages with the teachers of the department. The discipline “Foreign language” is one of the mandatory basic disciplines in the programs of “Acting” and “Theatre Directing”.

We have at our disposal the necessary quantity of educational and methodical literature for planning, organization and giving classes on all the disciplines of the department.